About Us
It takes a universe of effort to change a local food system to one that’s more locally based and secure. We all come to this work because of a deep feeling of commitment to what we are doing. The Network has come a long way since March 2020 and we continue to grow by leaps and bounds, even in the midst of COVID, fires and growing pains. We are currently undergoing an upgrade and inviting more of our community into our fold to help our community become more food sovereign. Please join us!
In 2018, Pamm was still working on national food issues via her organization The Good Food Brigade. The mission was to get folks growing more of their own food via a Victory Garden campaign. During that period, she also did a very deep dive into the climate situation. Much of the data she read, pointed to our region being one that had the capacity to support a reasonable population, if the worst scenario became reality.
Then on November 8, 2018, the Camp Fire burned her community down. It was a huge wake-up call to all in our county and impacted all of our psyches, if not our living situations. Pamm decided to abandon all other work and focus 100% of her efforts on the local food system right here in Butte County. She took a year to get to know her community again, after working outside the area for so many years. Then in October 2019, she changed the name of the organization to the Butte County Local Food Network to be more reflective of our mission and relaunched the organization with its own 501c3. By March of 2020, we had our first Garden Blitz and have been growing ever since.
Our Core Team is still small and mighty, but our love for our community and our passion for food fuels all our programs. We invite you to meet our team and hear directly from them about why they are here. Feel free to contact any of them via our contact form and we will get you to the person you want to talk with.
Jen Goddard ~ Executive Director
I have worked in agriculture management operations for over 20 years, as well as, philanthropic and community outreach endeavors. I am keen to bring more awareness and action to sustainability in farming, food sovereignty and food security. I believe strongly in supporting our local farmers, encouraging our community to plant, grow and harvest the food they eat, buy locally and educating others on the impacts of all types of food production. I am a mom of two who loves to cook meals with fresh ingredients for my family knowing the importance of how and where it derived from. My passions are hiking Upper Bidwell, volunteering/philanthropic work, keeping up with my kids lives and busy schedules and a round of golf every now and then.
Our Origin Story
Maria Giovanni and Pamm Larry came together in 2017 to write a Local Food Assessment (LFA). At that time, Maria was a professor at CSU Chico (see her bio below). Pamm had worked on food policy issues from the state to the global level. Both felt that a LFA was a first step to bring together all the sectors of our local food system so we could start working together toward more food sovereignty.
The small group that formed had a few meetings but did not have the capacity to focus on such a huge endeavor at that time. So, Pamm and Maria decided to switch the focus of their efforts to a more fun, grassroots, on-the-ground level effort and formed the Butte County Good Food Network. Together with Donna Garrison and a few others, they did a few events but, again, due to other jobs and focus, nothing much came of it.
Pamm Larry ~ Initial Instigator, Chief Rabble Rouser ~ Founding Member of BCLFN
Amy Roseman ~ Outreach Ambassador ~ Board Member
I am a Local food advocate, community activist, the Vecino Compost Manager and Outreach Ambassador for the Network. Food is already a language we all share and I am passionate about expanding the conversation. Through this work, I get to exercise that passion, by empowering our community to grow their own food and supporting our local producers to ensure a healthy, resilient local food system. I love that my work is inclusive of everything from our individual health, to the health of our soil food web.
I believe that working on food system issues enables me to work on all social issues from food security, to water issues, taking care of the planet, social justice, and building bridges in our divided culture...and, it’s tasty. To that end, I have my fingers in most of the projects we do, but love when others take the lead. It is a joy and an honor to work in a community that is doing all it can to heal in body, mind and spirit and keeps trying. I eagerly look forward to seeing the new food system we co-create for our current and future food security for generations to come.
Nicole LaJeunesse ~ Staff Grant Writer
As a writer and editor with a passion for storytelling, I write grant proposals that connect the ideals of food sovereignty to BCLFN’s on-the-ground efforts. My passion for local food stems from a passion for delicious home cooked meals. Everyone has to eat, so I aim to eat well.
Maria Giovanni ~ Board Secretary
Much of my life has been centered around making food and feeding people with family and in the community in my hometown of Willows, CA. I saw how incredibly hard farmers work to get food to us and have worked in a variety of jobs for large and small food companies. My experiences give me an understanding and a concern about our global food system and the importance of food sovereignty, so I am excited to be part of the Butte County Local Food Network to ensure that we are all well-nourished, in body, mind, and spirit! Specific projects include the Butte County Food Assessment, collecting information to share with consumers, producers, and decision makers, and having fun!
Donna Garrison ~ Bean Counter ~Founding Member of BCLFN ~ Board Member
Growing and cooking organic food has always been one of my greatest passions. Having an abundance of farms nearby makes Butte County such an enriched community! I love supporting farmers and developing beautiful relationships with them. My role with BCLFN is working with these farmers, and the Marketmobile bringing fresh organic local food to our nearby communities. Cooking food with local ingredients is one of my greatest loves in life and I bring that love to the Network and my community by creating farm-to-table dinners. I am also the bookkeeper.
Rosemary Febbo ~ Admin Veterans Community Garden ~ Board Member
My relationship with food is one of the most important connections I have with my world. I promote good food, slow food, local and sustainable food on a daily basis and have done this publicly for more than 40 years. I believe in supporting local farmers and helping others find the pleasure of gardening and growing their own food. I produced and hosted Mama Rose’s Kitchen community radio show on KZFR 90.1 fm for over twelve years, and during that time was introduced to much of the local food scene. I feel truly blessed living in the north state with the abundance of farm fresh food.
Geri Mahood ~ Board Member
As a retired teacher, I want to stay involved helping others. BCLFN is a great place to do that. It unites my interests in healthy living, the environment, and best practices for our local community.
Debbe Gagne ~ Board Member
~ Our Staff ~
Gennesis Ospina ~ MarkeMobile Assistant
Matthew Martin ~ Board President
Since 1997 Matthew Martin and his Pyramid Farms, which since 2004 has included his wife Lisa Carle, have been bringing tasty organic produce throughout the seasons to the Northstate of Interior Northern California. As Matthew and Lisa say – you can taste the love.
Michael McGinnis ~ Board Treasurer
Linen Cannon ~ Manager for the Marketmobile
I work as the Market Mobile Manager. I love getting to help people have more access to local food. I look forward to seeing this program progress and seeing the communities I work with gain greater strength and power over the sourcing and quality of their food. I’m also a major home-cooking food fanatic and will gladly converse with most people about their own food projects.
Eric McAnlis ~ Pre school gardener ~ Grown Program ~ 1000 acres More
Gardening has always been a passion of mine and it is exciting to get to work at various gardens in the area. My main teaching background is music and I was also part of a large after school chess program in Southern California for several years. I am excited to get to teach outside among nature and incorporate my teaching experience in a new setting. I believe people in general benefit from spending time in a garden and taking a break from modern technology. It is also beneficial for people to have a direct connection to how food is grown and understand that they can grow their own food which has a multitude of benefits.
Shelley Miller ~ Resident Artist ~ GROWN Program ~ 1000 acres More
Elizabeth Acevedo ~ MarketMobile Asssistant
~ Our Board ~