
That Spring Fling Thing
Please Join Us for our spring FUNraiser! Music provided by Eric “Whiskers” McAnlis, Trish and Peter Berkow with special Guest Webster Moore!
Butte County Local Food Network will be making loads of delicious mostly local food appetizers for everyone to enjoy and we will be selling adult beverages!

Irrigation Workshop
Join us at the Vecino Community Garden to learn all the tips and tricks on installing your own Garden Irrigation system!

Let’s Grow Food Together in the Barber
Please join us for the first meetup of the potentially amazing Barber Neighborhood Garden. Please fill out the RSVP listed on the image so we know who is coming to learn more about how we can join together to grow more food in the Barber and, maybe even turn it into something like the picture below. The first meetup is to get to know each other, find out more about what this is and its potential, then find out how we want to move ahead. Once you fill out the form, you'll get the address via an email. The meetup starts at 3 on Sunday May 5, We will be mindful of everyone's time and make sure this first meeting goes no longer than 1hr and 15 minutes with optional mingling at the end of it, for another half hour or so, to extend the optional, deeper networking.
Link to RSVP tinyurl.com/BarberGarden
This is project is supported by the California Arts Council, Butte Creative Corps and Upstate Creative Corps!

Garden Irrigation Workshop
Join us at the Vecino Community Garden for an irrigation workshop with Leslie Corsbie. Learn how to install irrigation in your own garden beds and small orchards.
Farmers Market Compost Drop
Bring your food scraps from home and drop them off with us to be composted at our community compost sites! Don't know what to compost? Don't know the best way to store organic waste? Come talk to us, we'd love to chat about best practices!
Farmers Market Compost Drop
Bring your food scraps from home and drop them off with us to be composted at our community compost sites! Don't know what to compost? Don't know the best way to store organic waste? Come talk to us, we'd love to chat about best practices!
Farmers Market Compost Drop
Bring your food scraps from home and drop them off with us to be composted at our community compost sites! Don't know what to compost? Don't know the best way to store organic waste? Come talk to us, we'd love to chat about best practices!
Organic Urban Homestead Tour & Talk
Mary will graciously give a tour of her established organic urban homestead in Chico, share how she starts her seeds, what varieties of crops are most abundant and do well in our area and how to care for them, best ways to preserve the harvest, and will be open to questions. She and her husband are able to grow much of their food for the year (and more to share) on a 1 acre plot that is full of mature fruit trees carefully curated for maximum harvests throughout the year and raised boxes for veggies for fresh eating and preserving. Even if you don't have an acre and only have room for a few fruit trees or a small garden, you will learn lots to help you plan it out and care for it. Location is in the Avenues and will be shared with registration. Register here.
This talk is offered by Mary. Mary has been farming her property for 20 years. She has led presentations in both gardening and food preservation for the Organic Gardening Series as well as a tour and talk of her farm. She has gained knowledge through organic farming classes, conferences, and mentorships with two local organic farmers, as well as by reading and doing. Carl Rosato was her primary farming teacher who became a close friend.
Farmers Market Compost Drop
Bring your food scraps from home and drop them off with us to be composted at our community compost sites! Don't know what to compost? Don't know the best way to store organic waste? Come talk to us, we'd love to chat about best practices!
Paradise Seed Swap
Join us for the annual Paradise Seed & Plant Swap Sunday March 3rd, 12-3, Bring your Seeds, Scions, Cuttings, Bulbs to share or just come and get some goodies for your Garden. A fun & free Family Event, all are welcome!
Farmers Market Compost Drop
Bring your food scraps from home and drop them off with us to be composted at our community compost sites! Don't know what to compost? Don't know the best way to store organic waste? Come talk to us, we'd love to chat about best practices!
Remediate Soil Biodiversity and Grow Delicious Edible Mushrooms in Your Garden.
Vecino’s entrance is located in the alleyway between 5th/6th Ave and Laburnum/Oleander. Please enter garden throught the backgate
Rhys Pritchett will be leading an interactive workshop for all experience levels, combining mycology, soil science, and making our own fertilizer and mushroom substrate. Mushrooms are not only an amazing and crucial part of the soil food web, but they can also be a delicious and colorful addition to your backyard garden.
Workshop is $25/person, paid on the day of the event, for time and material.
There are scholarship options available, reach out to rpritchett94@gmail.com for more information.
Venmo or cash accepted.
Rhys Pritchett has ventured into the realm of regenerative agriculture, striving to foster sustainable coexistence within the ecosystem of life. Their journey as an herbalist, activist, and multimedia artist reflects a dedication to positive change.Growing up homeschooled, Rhys learned about culinary arts and plant-based nutrition from their mom. They pursued a BFA at California State University, Chico, where artistic talents in painting, drawing, and sculpting flourished.A perpetual student, Rhys explores self-taught disciplines like music and coding, preferring to work with living organisms—fungi, algae, herbs, fruits, and vegetables—to experiment with biomaterials and challenge unsustainable practices.Rhys draws inspiration from a year spent working at a local mushroom farm, Earth Regen, deepening their understanding of interconnectedness in nature. Gratitude is extended to friends and loved ones whose support played a crucial role in Rhys' growth, acknowledging the inseparable bond between humanity and nature.Through community building, skill-sharing, and a genuine passion for art, science, and ecology, Rhys quietly advocates for sustainable practices, seeking the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature.
Compost 101
Join Amy Roseman and Master Gardener Grace Mahannah to learn all about Compost Basics and the small community scale composting efforts happening currently around Butte County! All are welcome to bring your food scraps, if you'd like to add them to the compost pile! (Please no dairy or meat)
Amy Roseman is the Compost Program Director and Outreach Coordinator for the Butte County Local Food Network. Grace runs the garden at St. Timothy’s.
Community Compost Days- Life in the Compost
Dive into the microscopic life in your compost and soil. Bring a sample of your compost to test and see what beneficials and not so beneficials are in it so you can help it be its best. Janel is a soil ecologist and compost enthusiast operating Paradise Community Compost as a project of Camp Fire Restoration Project.
Vecino Revamp
Come check out our community garden and help us revamp our composting bays and build a green wall! We will be deconstructing and renovating our existing composting system and building walls to grow vines up, mushrooms out of and moss on. Dress for success- closed toed shoes, gloves, plants, etc.
Work and Learn At The African American Family and Cultural Center Garden
Work day is from 9am to noon, then Skipper Clark will give a talk on garden bed construction - garden bed siting/construction methods and irrigation considerations
Skipper Clark is the garden manager for the AAFCC community garden in Oroville. He owned a commercial landscape maintenance business for over 40 years and been an avid vegetable gardener all his adult life. He is an instructor for the CSUC OLLI program teaching a class titled “Year Round Vegetable Growing Using Soil Food Web Best Practices “.
Ask UC Master Gardeners Questions
Stop by the UC Master Gardener’s booth at the market and get your gardening questions answered.
The mission of the Butte County Master Gardeners is to extend research-based education and technical assistance throughout the non-commercial gardening community and to foster successful gardening practices by helping individuals make informed decisions about plants, pests and the environment, with an emphasis on sustainability.
Moonlight Forest Bathing
Forest therapy is a simple, guided outdoor experience designed to support health and wellness through immersion in natural environments. A forest therapy walk is a gentle, open ended sensory practice that tends to adapt organically to the needs of the participant. During each walk, a certified forest therapy guide offers invitations to deepen sensory experience and facilitate interaction with nature. Register here https://www.cognitoforms.com/CaliforniaStateUniversityChico1/FullMoonForestBathing22324
Soil Love Potions
Dive into the microscopic life in your compost and soil. Bring a sample to get tested by Janel Luke of Camp Fire Restoration Project. Janel is a soil ecologist and compost enthusiast operating Paradise Community Compost as a project of Camp Fire Restoration Project.