GROWN is an acronym forGrowing Resilient Optimism With Nature.”

The GROWN Project is a learning program to teach youth how to be more food literate through growing in different settings and acreage from backyard, community and school gardens to Urban farms to larger farms. It focuses on growing, harvesting, cooking, processing and offer potential career path internships to older youth.

GROWN provides an opportunity for young people (many at-risk) to find a sense of place in their community, instill confidence and offers training in leadership skills. It offers an opportunity for increased physical and mental health via growing healthy food in the context of community, thereby countering some of the negative emotional impacts experienced by children and youth in these times of cultural upheaval.

We are excited to be partnering with Chico Achieve Charter School, Ridgeview Highschool and three daycares for this program and are excited to be supported by: