Thank You BLITZ Volunteers

Friends! We could not have done this without you because YOU ARE THE GARDEN BLITZ!!

Thank you so much, from the bottom of our hearts for your open hearts, hands, strong backs and patience with the install loading process! You were amazing troopers. Know that you have done huge things for our community and our county. Make no mistake: growing food is important (especially now) and you have helps families be more food secure now and in the coming years.

All in all you installed 79+ (we still have a few left over for schools) gardens in Chico, Durham, Gridley, Biggs, Paradise, Magalia, Concow and Thermalito. This brings the total gardens you, our community has installed to 248 since March 2020.

As a thanks, we’d like to invite you (whether you ended up being able to volunteer or if you got sick…there were a few of you out there and we hope you are feeling better) to a couple of fun offerings.

The first is this Sunday at our Vecino Demonstration Garden. Music, food and fun.  All the details are below.

The second is a request that you save the date for May 22. We’d love to invite all of you and the folks you helped install gardens to meet each other and celebrate creating a community that grows food together. It will be at Vecino in the afternoon. I’ll send out invitations next week.

Again- thank you, thank you. Our hearts are overfilled with this event. It can bring a tear to this Italian Grandmother’s eye every time. Blessings abounding!



This BLITZ was sponsored by:


We’ve Missed You!


Deep Gratitude!